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For those of you who have been following the rather sporadic nature of this blog, one of my new-term resolutions is to post more regularly and more frequently. So we're kicking off September with some lovely news about our basketmakers at Delrow, a beautiful residential community near Watford for adults with learning disabilities.
We've always loved the range of baskets but it's been tricky creating them in consistent colours and volumes to keep in stock (sorry, we're working on it). So we were delighted when a restaurant got in touch to say "we want them and we don't mind if they are all different". And this wasn't just any restaurant, it was Petersham Nurseries, the delightful garden centre and dining room in Richmond that has long been one of our favourites.
Petersham has a reputation for its ethical food ethos but not a lot of people know that they apply a careful and sustainable approach to all the other areas of their business too. Refreshingly, they recognised the time and effort that goes into each basket, and saw the value in their individuality so were a delight to work with. No bargaining, no complications, just a valuable mutual appreciation.
The baskets are now being used for lovely storage displays in the new Covent Garden delicatessan. We'd never thought of filling them with cheeses and fruit but love the idea and get such a thrill from knowing so many people will see them as they work past the window. The makers should be rightly proud and, if you're ever in the area, we recommend dropping in for some edible titbits. There's a restaurant coming next door too, but more on that later...